15th Central European Symposium on Pharmaceutical Technology
»Where the Future Challenges in Pharmaceutical Technology Meet 30+ Years of Experience«

Slovenia is proud to be the host country of the 15th CESPT conference.
25th to 27th September 2025, Bled, Slovenia
Presentation of the 15th CESPT Conference

We are pleased to announce the Anniversary 15th CESPT, which will take place from September 25-27th 2025, in the in Rikli Balance Hotel, Bled, Slovenia, where this conference was founded 30 years ago.
The three-day event will provide focused panels in the fields of pharmaceutical (nano)technology, industrial pharmacy, biopharmacy, and analytics. It will feature established plenary and invited speakers, as well as numerous oral and poster presentations, offering ample opportunities for younger researchers to present their findings.
Additionally, the event will foster the exchange of scientific ideas between young and established scientists and professionals, and will facilitate interactions among individuals from academia, industry, and regulatory authorities.

Photo: Jošt Gantar, www.bled.si

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Pharmacy and Slovenian Pharmaceutical Society are organizing 15th Central European Symposium on Pharmaceutical Technology

University of Ljubljana
Faculty of Pharmacy
Aškerčeva 7
SI – 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Slovenian Pharmaceutical Society
Dunajska 184A
SI – 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Partner organisations

Key topics of the Symposium

- Pharmaceutical Manufacturing & Engineering
- Strategies for Optimizing Pharmacotherapy Addressing Clinical Outcomes and Patient Friendly Drug Delivery
- Nanomedicines & Delivery of Biopharmaceutics
- Current Trends in Pharmaceutical Analytics and Biorelevant Methods of Assessment
Important dates