We offer three workshops and two of them will be realised based on the shown interest. For more information please contact Assist Prof Dr Špela Zupančič (spela.zupancic@ffa.uni-lj.si).
Please apply for the Workshop via this link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=35DMpoD13EmQP4evWnUzjsMB3_mDwAdLvwpp2ekvByVUMTJFVVZGSzBKNkY3MkEyOTBHVEExOE9MRS4u
- Introduction to electrospinning
Electrospinning is the most common technique to produce nanofibers, which have gained interest as promising nanomaterials for drug delivery and tissue engineering. The goal of the workshop is to provide a basic insight into the principles of electrospinning in order to introduce young scientists to the potential of this technique. After presenting the theoretical background of electrospinning, workshop participants will see two different lab-scale electrospinning machines that can be used to produce nanofibers from different materials. We will demonstrate the basics of varying different parameters and discuss the possible characterization methods, some of which will also be presented.
- Introduction to hot-melt extrusion
Development of solid dispersions is a promising way to improve the bioavailability of drugs with poor solubility. Among several methods, hot-melt extrusion (HME) represents a gold standard for their preparation at industrial level. Main advantages of HME are cost efficiency and the fact that it is a solvent-free, “green” technology. In the workshop, the corotating twin screw extruder will be presented, including the main components, critical process parameters and expected product. In the laboratory, the HME process will be demonstrated and the possible characterization techniques, such as Raman microscopy, will be discussed.
- Intoduction to flow cytometry
Flow cytometry is an indispensable tool in various fields, including molecular biology, immunology, bacteriology, and cancer biology. This technique provides rapid multi-parametric analysis of single cells or particles in solution. The characteristics of interest are determined by labelling the sample with specific fluorescent reagents (e.g., conjugated antibodies, DNA binding dyes, viability dyes) and detecting the fluorescent signal. In this workshop, we will first gain insight into the basics of flow cytometry. Then the acquired knowledge will be applied in practice and you will label cells, analyse them on the flow cytometer and interpret the obtained data. The aim of this workshop is to grasp the idea of the variety of applications in which flow cytometry can be used.